Foster, the orange monkey Beanie Baby, is a lively plush companion with a distinctive white fur patch around his face. With his playful expression and soft, huggable body, Foster brings joy and cheer wherever he swings. Perfect for both collectors and kids, Foster adds a delightful touch of whimsy to any Beanie Baby collection.
- Limited quantities available!
- Made with snuggly soft VelveTy fabric
- Orginal Beanie Baby design
- Includes official Ty Heart with birthday and poem
- Surface clean only
- Size: 8 inches
Foster, the orange monkey Beanie Baby, is a lively plush companion with a distinctive white fur patch around his face. With his playful expression and soft, huggable body, Foster brings joy and cheer wherever he swings. Perfect for both collectors and kids, Foster adds a delightful touch of whimsy to any Beanie Baby collection.
- Limited quantities available!
- Made with snuggly soft VelveTy fabric
- Orginal Beanie Baby design
- Includes official Ty Heart with birthday and poem
- Surface clean only
- Size: 8 inches